This study aims to analyse and discuss the factors influencing purchasing behaviours of online consumers in Klang Valley, Malaysia. In the past few years, the world has been evolving at light speed, and consumers must keep up with this fast-paced development. The technological era has changed purchasing habits so much that consumers have turned to online shopping, and vendors have explored the digitalization of product search and sales. With the impact of the pandemic, the digital age has taken over the world at a glance more than ever before. Online shopping offers consumers convenience, ease, comfort, time savings, hassle-free delivery, better price options, vast vendors, and many other obvious benefits. Since consumers are no longer restricted to a particular location or time for their purchases, this study seeks to understand factors that affect customers' online purchasing behaviour in Klang Valley, Malaysia. This study focuses on five components: perceived benefits, perceived risks, hedonic motivation, website design, and psychological dimensions. These five components have been chosen as the independent variables, with online purchase behaviour as the dependent variable. For data collection, self-administered questionnaires were distributed through social media. A total of 387 responses were collected. Findings obtained from this study indicated that perceived benefits, perceived risks, hedonic motivation, and website design are significant for consumers' online purchasing behaviour. In contrast, this study discovered that psychological dimensions are insignificant to consumers' online purchasing behaviour.
JEL: A10, A12, A13
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Copyright (c) 2023 Subarna Sarangapani, Shanjit Singh Ranjit Singh, Amirtharaj Balasubramaniam, Wan Suryana Wan Hasan, Noorain binti Shaharuddin, Kumaran Kanapathipillai

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