In the United States, highly competitive market outsourcing benefits are correlated to low consumer prices, growth in sales, and taking over market shares leaving competitors tailgating your organization. The high costs associated with adhering to the United States manufacturing regulations that include adherence to Clean Air Act that controls the pollution levels; Clean Water Act; Occupation Safety and Health Act; labor; and disposal regulations among others are leading reasons for the attraction of companies to outsource to global markets that have fewer regulations. Global outsourcing ventures in manufacturing sectors carry a perception of unethical conduct that involves long hour with low wages, physically abused, and poor working conditions, among consumers. The researchers’ objective was for an opportunity to acquire and understand millennials perspectives on the integration of individual moral values with ethics and millennials personal implications on sustainable development in Apple’s manufacture outsourcing. Consumer millennials decision to purchase Apple products contributes to Apple’s sustainability development; would the millennial’s access to the unethical practices in the manufacturing sway purchasing decisions. The face to face interviews gained insight if millennials considered individual morals and ethics in making purchasing decisions. The interviewed population for the research was millennials ages 18 to 34 who are today’s highest shoppers as documented and the majority workforce by 2020.
JEL: D12, P36, P46
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v0i0.150
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