This study focuses on the impact of risk perception on the intention to invest in Islamic banks' term deposits in Morocco. Using quantitative methodologies, including statistical analysis, Cronbach's reliability tests, and structural equation modelling, the study assesses the influence of various factors, including perceived quality and perceived value, on the intention to invest. Contrary to expectations and the existing literature, the results suggest that risk perception has no statistically significant effect on the intention to invest in these financial products. However, perceived value shows a significant relationship with intention to invest, indicating its crucial role in financial decision-making within this specific context. These results have important implications for Islamic banks, policymakers, and researchers, as they challenge the conventional emphasis on risk perception in the Islamic finance literature. The results suggest that other factors, such as perceived quality and value, may play a more influential role in the intention to invest in Islamic term deposits.
JEL: G11, G 21, Z12, D81
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v7i4.1571
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