Academic and business research has focused on the competing interests of shareholders and managers, as well as the resulting agency fees. It is well known that managers have a strong desire to advance their own interests, such as their pay, the size of their companies, and the value of their securities. According to agency theory, shareholders will pay agency costs in order to reduce these conflicts. According to the free cash flow principle, when a company creates considerable free cash flow, there are significant agency conflicts between stockholders and executives. A number of empirical studies have proposed solutions to this problem, one of which is the use of a capital structure. Numerous studies on the effect of capital structures on agency costs have been conducted, with varying degrees of success. However, the majority of these studies took place in industrialized nations. The primary goal of this study, which lasted from 2012 to 2018, was to determine how capital configuration affected agency expenses in Kenyan commercial and service firms that were listed on the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The study's specific goals included investigating the effects of equity on agency costs, retained earnings on agency costs, long-term debt on agency costs, and firm size as a moderator of the effects of investment configuration on agency costs. A descriptive research method was used in this study to provide a thorough examination of the relationship between capital structure and agency costs. To collect the required seven-year panel data from the entire population of firms, the Nairobi Securities Exchange, the Capital Market Authority's data banks, and the firms' websites were used. These data were then examined at two levels of statistics: descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. In Kenyan commercial and service firms, variations in equity capital, retained earnings, and long-term debts jointly accounted for 65.9% of the variations in agency costs, according to the regression results.
JEL: E22; G31; L10
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v7i4.1602
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