The study was conducted on the effect of public participation on budget transparency in Kenya. Primary data was collected using a questionnaire from 60 staff in the Kenyan parliament. Correlation and regression analysis were used to analyze the association. The results relationship between S3D1 and S3D3 was positive although statistically insignificant(α_2=0.197;p=0.289). Similarly, the association between S3D1 and S3D5 was positive, but also statistically irrelevant(α_4=0.052;p=0.104). The variables S3D2 and S3D4 exhibited a notable positive correlation with S3D1 both prior to and subsequent to the exclusion of S3D3 and S3D5. The findings demonstrated a notable enhancement in the coefficient for S3D2 from (α_1=0.411;p=014) to (α_1=0.533;p=0.000). Similarly, there was a significant improvement in the coefficients for S3D4 which rose from (α_3=0.377;p=0.000) to(α_3=0.455;p=0.000). This suggests that public participation has a positive and significant effect on budget transparency on Kenya. The study concluded that public participation should be conducted strategically since it influences budget transparency in Kenya.
JEL: D72, H11, H83
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