This research aims to examine the impact of customer relationship management on the financial performance of banks in Sierra Leone. The research objectives inquire into the relationship between customer relationship management constructs such as customer knowledge, customer interaction, customer value, and customer satisfaction. The empirical literature reviews these very CRM constructs highlighted herein. Applying the mixed method of quantitative technique and qualitative, the population of this research was staff and customers within the banking sector. The sample size was 100 respondents (50 customers and 50 staff). The primary data was acquired from questionnaires and secondary data was acquired from published resources. The findings disclose that all four customer relationship variables (customer knowledge, customer interaction, customer value, and customer satisfaction) have positive and strong relationships with the financial performance of the banks.
JEL: E61, E62, P35
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ernest Udeh, Ezekiel K. Duramany-Lakkoh, Michael Fallah Bockarie, James L. Kollie

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