Credit risk refers to the probability of financial loss resulting from a borrower’s failure to repay a loan. Essentially, it encompasses the risk that a lender may not receive the owed principal and interest, leading to disrupted cash flows and increased collection costs. Lenders can mitigate credit risk by analyzing factors related to a borrower’s creditworthiness, such as their current debt load and income. In the last decade, many banks have started to make use of models to assess the risks of lending credit. The credit risk models are very complex and include algorithm-based methods of assessing credit risk. Such a model aims to help banks quantify, aggregate, and manage credit risk. Despite the method, the focus of credit risk assessment stays on credit quality and risk exposure. Strategies to reduce losses and manage risks are pertinent in credit risk management. However, banks have to organize and manage the lending function professionally and proactively and use advanced techniques to measure and manage risks. Credit risk management has become a hot topic due to the ongoing global economic crises, the rapid digital transformation, the recent technological innovations, and the growing use of artificial intelligence in banking. Regulators expect banks to have a clear and comprehensive understanding of their customers and their credit risk and to be transparent and capable in this area. As the Basel regulations change, banks will face more regulatory pressure. To meet the changing regulatory demands and to manage risk better, many banks are changing their credit risk practices. However, banks that see this as only a compliance issue are missing the point. The research findings indicate that the bank’s credit management practices have strongly influenced its profitability. In brief, manoeuvring through the complex risk terrain poses a significant hurdle for financial organizations. This requires ongoing adjustments and strategic choices to ensure both stability and profitability. Consequently, persistent academic research is essential to guide management, governments, and regulators.
JEL: G21, G32, G33, C53, E58, D81
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