Technological evolution exposes the Moroccan automotive supply chain to cyberattack risks, which could potentially lead to interruptions detrimental to operational continuity. In order to better understand the security measures currently in place to address these potential threats, an exploratory study was conducted within companies in the Moroccan automotive sector. This research was conducted through structured interviews, guided by specific questionnaires, with four carefully selected companies. The sample included two small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as two large companies in the automotive sector in Morocco. The results obtained from these interviews reveal significant differences in the level of awareness and security approach towards cyberattack risks among the different companies interviewed.
JEL: L91, L62, O33, D80, M15, R41
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Copyright (c) 2024 Raissouni Kenza, Errabih Zakia, Raissouni Rajaa, Raissouni Mohammed Rabih, Charroud Soukaina, Bourkkadi Salmane

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