The primary focus revolves around dissecting the key factors influencing satisfaction and dissecting the intricate interplay between customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions exhibited by consumers within the company's context. The study employs a cross-sectional survey methodology, employing a meticulously designed self-administered structured questionnaire that has been disseminated among the customer base of the Sierra Leone National Insurance Company. Employing the robust Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach, the research orchestrates an insightful exploration into the dynamics of relationships between various variables. The outcomes of this meticulous inquiry underscore the paramount importance of reliability and responsiveness as integral facets affecting customer satisfaction within the realm of the Sierra Leone National Insurance Company. Contrarily, the study finds technical quality, price, and image quality to lack significant influence as determinants of consumer satisfaction within the company's domain. Significantly, the study unravels a substantial and positive nexus between customer satisfaction and diverse behavioral intentions, spanning from the intent to recommend, switch, and repurchase. Interestingly, the intricate interplay between customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions remains resilient even in the face of demographic influences such as gender, age, educational attainment, and income levels. In conclusion, this study presents insightful recommendations for future explorations, delves into the multifaceted implications for management and theoretical frameworks, and takes cognizance of the inherent limitations encountered during the research journey.
JEL: D12; D81; G22, L15; M31
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