This study aimed at establishing the relationship between Human resource and sustainability of public day secondary schools in Imenti North Sub-County, Meru County. The study had the following objectives; the influence of salary, management leadership, incentives, training and development and their relationship with sustainability of public day secondary schools in Kenya. This study sought to test the hypothesis that; salary, management leadership, incentives, training and development affect sustainability of free day secondary schools. The study adopted descriptive and explorative research design since its main aim is to explain human resource variables that affect sustainability of public day secondary schools in Kenya. The target population was 29 public day secondary schools in Imenti North sub-County. The respondents were selected using stratified random sampling to identify sample schools and simple random sampling to select respondents from the identified strata. The sample respondents comprised of 12 principals, 61 HODs and 136 teachers totaling 173 respondents. Data was collected using structured open ended, closed ended and unstructured questionnaire. Reliability was tested by test–retest method using Cronbach's alpha correlation coefficient which was used to test the correlations between the items. Correlation coefficient of above 0.7 was obtained and was deemed acceptable for the study. Data was analyzed by use of descriptive statistics and logistic regression. Descriptive statistics and multiple logistic regression was used to test the cause and effect relationship between the dependent and independent variables under the study. All the hypothesis was tested at 5% level of significance or 95% confidence level. The analyzed data is presented in frequency tables, pie charts and bar graphs. It is expected that the results of the study will assist education stakeholders and the Ministry of education to address human resource challenges that affect sustainability of public day secondary schools in Kenya.
JEL: J24, O15, H75, I25
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