The purpose of this study was to the study the effect of changes resulting from the outsourcing process of debt collection and increase the funds resources resulted from loans paid back by the study of the effect of the relationships between outsourcing demands on reducing bank reserve requirements. That is the consequence of this process that effects on the banks future incentive to keep old customers and this consequence overshadows the decisions of the bank's top managers. In this study, the statistical population consisted of all the branches of Melli Bank of Bandar Abbas, in which 86 samples were determined by using Morgan Tables, 92 questionnaires were prepared to be more ensured, and after the data aggregation, analysis and hypothesis testing has been performed by using software from SPSS 16. What the results suggest is that the significance level was obtained at 95% confidence level which is compared with variable with value of 0.05 which showed a significant positive correlation between outsourcing demands and reduce storage demands. In addition, there is a significant and positive relationship between the customer's willingness to continue to work to repay with the outsourcing (during the investigation). In the term of rating, the factors related to motivation of banks to retain old customers has the lowest average rate after that demands reduction is located and so forth.
JEL: G20, G21, G24
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