Americans spend $392 billion in prescribed medication per Washington post; Wall Street Journal study compared branded rugs in Ontario, Canada, England, Norway the findings confirmed that United States prices were higher prices than Norway; and England. United States with the highest prices contribute to price gouging? EpiPen by Mylan from $2 overseas and $750; Daraprim by Turning Pharmaceuticals gouge from $13.50 to $750 per pill; and Cosmegen $20 to $30 overseas and $1400 per injection these prices are horrendous especially when the drugs are required for debilitating diseases. Ebola scare in 2014 required protective devices against contamination of the virus. Kimberly Clark and Halyard Health manufactured, marketed, and sold Microcool gowns with a 77% failure rate as confirmed by Intertek Labs. What contributes to the pharmaceutical unethical conduct that includes price gouging and exploitation? Pharmaceuticals growing with an emphasis on buying rights to drugs and drastically increasing the cost of drugs and medical devices without substitutes ethical; what do millennials who are projected by Fortune to dominate the workforce by 2020 think on ethics within pharmaceuticals? The findings confirmed that the pharmaceuticals price gouging, sale of drugs and products that are later recalled, and huge budgets in marketing instead of R&D weren’t ethical and results confirmed that the pharmaceutical companies should focus on their core which is saving patients’ lives.
JEL: L60, L65, I18 A14, L29, K32, M14
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