The aim of this work is to design a debt restructuring proposal through a new payments scheme, with the purpose of giving franchisees an opportunity to finish credit debts acquired with the aim to buying operative equipment for a franchise. With this purpose, this work used the procedure proposed by García–Santillán and Vega Lebrúm (2008) related to an equivalent equations model capable of, in first place, re-evaluating the original debt, including overdue payments, as well as those that already were paid. Besides, the debt restructuring model pursues knowing the amount of each payment in the new payments scheme. The result of the design proposed by the restructuring scheme, offers the franchisee a scenario where he/she could have a better control on the reference debt and besides offers a viable scenario for finishing it.
Article visualizations:
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Copyright (c) 2018 Arturo García-Santillán, Santiago González Gómez, Ilse Villanueva Reyes

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