Usman H. M., Ikusemoran M., Elizabeth E., Joel M.B.


The study examines how changes in the landuse and landcover of the Nigerian portion of the Lake Chad affect socio-economic activities of the inhabitants of Lake Chad that is, the fishermen, farmers, cattle headers and water transporters. Abadam and Kukawa Local Government areas were sampled from all the other LGAs that share their boundaries with the lake for this study. The seasonal behavior of the Lake Chad results into seasonal changes in the lake’s landuse and landcover. Structured questionnaire was administered to 270 respondents in the two LGAs. An oral interview was also conducted to generate more information to compliment those in the questionnaire. The results of the study show that the changes in the behavior of the Lake Chad control the socio-economic activities of those that rely on the Lake Chad for their survival. These changes bring about migration and switching of occupation by those who rely on the lake. The study concludes and recommends that, the current effort to recharge the lake by LCBC through River Oubangui in Central Africa should be sustained so that the lake can recover to its former size and landcover. Recharging the Lake Chad will boast fishing and agricultural activities on a commercial scale.


JEL: A10, I30, O13, O18, O41


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landuse, landcover, change, socio-economic activities, Chad Lake


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Copyright (c) 2018 Usman H. M., Ikusemoran M., Elizabeth E., Joel M.B.

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