The purposes of this research include : (1) to examine the determinants of the NPL to changes in the net income of a conventional bank in Indonesia, (2) to examine the determinants of the IRR to changes in the net profit of conventional banks in Indonesia, (3) to examine the determinants of LDR to changes in net profit of the conventional bank in Indonesia, (4) to examine the determinants of ROA to changes in the net profit of conventional banks in Indonesia, (5) to examine the determinants of NIM to changes in the net profit of conventional banks in Indonesia, (6) to examine the determinants of ROA to changes in the net profit of conventional banks in Indonesia, and (7) to examine the determinants of the CAR to changes in the net profit of conventional banks in Indonesia. The Data used in this research is secondary data. The population in this study were all conventional banks listed in Bank Indonesia period 2011-2017. Using the purposive sampling method as the sampling technique. A total sample of 82 conventional bank. Data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the test and data analysis performed with SPSS 21 shows that: NPL, IRR, ROA, and NIM is the determinant of the change in net income of the public bank, however, LDR, OER, and CAR is not a determinant of change in net income of the public bank in Indonesia.
JEL: G21, G24, E64
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