This paper attempts to investigate the export specialization of Bangladesh readymade garments industry among leading readymade garments exporting nations in the North American market. An export specialization (ES) index is employed to evaluate the export competitiveness of the top 5 competitors in the North American market during the 2012-2016 period. Export specialization was calculated for 34 product categories of four digits level Harmonized System (HS) product group 61 and 62. The mean and standard deviation were also calculated to examine the degree of change in the readymade garments export specialization of Bangladesh in the North American market for the study period. The analyzed results demonstrate the status of export specialization of selected competitors where Bangladesh exposed the highest export specialization over their competitors in the North American market for 27 product groups out of 34. However, ES of Bangladesh is not steady, in fact, unsteady ES was observed for 10 product groups, and in addition to that ES of the 8 product groups’ shows downtrend. Established trade theories regarding export specialization remain a useful but limited guide to understand the dynamic of export specialization for the given market. Policy recommendation in the context of the changing global business environment and geopolitical transformation were discussed and future implications of the research direction were recommended.
JEL: L60, L69, L11
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v0i0.511
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