Student's perceptions towards the adoption of mobile money services in Nigeria was carried out to find out why there was a low adoption of mobile money services among the students despite its huge benefits. The main objective was to examine the relationship between students' perceptions and adoption of mobile money services. The study was based on Social Cognitive Theory by Bandura, 1989. A survey method was adopted. The sampling technique was purposive sampling, the sample size of 400. Bio-data was analyzed with descriptive statistics while multiple regressions were used to test the hypotheses. The result shows that Reciprocal determinism has a positive significant relationship with the adoption of mobile money services (β=.098, t= 2.392, p<.354). Forethought capacity had no statistically significant relationship on the adoption of mobile money services (β=.023, t= .631, p<.528). Vicarious capacity has a positive significant relationship with the adoption of mobile money services (β=.163, t= 5.036, p<.000). Self-reflective capacity has a positive significant relationship with the adoption of mobile money services (β=.619, t= 12.488, p<.000). Self-regulatory capacity has a positive significant relationship with the adoption of MMS (β=.059, t= 1.702, p=.089). Mobile money operators should endeavor to create awareness that is based on informing the students on the success and benefit of the system, the government should provide enabling the environment for mobile money services to work effectively in all the universities in Nigeria. University authorities should hence fort ensure that students pay their tuition fees and other fees through mobile money services.
JEL: E51, O55, D14
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