Small and Medium Enterprises are expected to play a vital and vibrant role in the economic growth and development of Nigeria. Given the volatility of the Nigerian business environment, this paper ex-ray the operations of SMEs with a view to identifying challenges encountered in fulfillment of their expected roles. Several literatures on SMEs were reviewed along with a survey research design that sampled a total of one hundred and thirty-eight (138) respondents by means of self-completed questionnaire; selected from four strategic locations in Lagos State. Data were collected on possible issues affecting the operations of SMEs ranging from high borrowing rates, high loan requirements, government when making policy, documentation, collateral, entrepreneurial skills, business strategy to Infrastructural inadequacies. The data were analysed using the descriptive and inferential statistical tools. Result on challenges affecting SMEs operation was rated. The analysis of variances was applied to hypothesis testing. The result revealed that SMEs are constrained by inadequate funding and poor management. It was recommended that government should develop a lasting solution to the state of infrastructural deterioration especially electricity along with policies that can assist to cushion the bureaucracy in obtaining loans from micro finance banks.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejefr.v0i0.57
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