This research aiming at investigating the impact of principals’ leadership styles on elementary school teacher’s performance in Jeddah city in (KSA). The current research utilized a quantitative method approach. The main instruments used in this study are questionnaires, and the teacher’s evaluation card. The population comprises all males and females at elementary school in KSA, particularly in Jeddah city. Thus, the researcher used a sample size of (200) female and male schoolteachers from elementary schools in Jeddah city. Collected data is entered and treated by using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20. Based on data analysis and discussion of the collected data the researcher concluded with the following findings: Contingent reward leadership style is the top that practiced while individual consideration style has a strong positive impact on teachers' performance. Also, the study finds that gender as moderating factor has influenced on principal leadership style and vary due to gender differences. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended to use transformational leadership style to enable principal to manage the rapid change and bring teacher on-board to the Saudi vision 2030. Furthermore, school principal should higher their level of education to motivate teachers toward creativity and innovation.
JEL: I20, I21, H75
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