Rastra Bansos beneficiaries are families with low socio-economic conditions. They are among the 25% of the lowest in the area of implementation, whose name is included in the List of KPM and specified by the Decree of the Minister of Social Affairs. This study aimed to describe the implementation of the social assistance program. The method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative one. Data collection was through triangulation. The data analysis technique used is Miles and Huberman’s interactive data analysis. Based on the research of the implementation of the Program of Assistance Rice Welfare (Bansos Rastra) has been determined the contents of the policy factor, the optimal indicator that shows the types of benefits and changes, the indicator of the target group, target accuracy, and optimal resource. The policy environment factors that includes three indicators, also showed to be less than optimal. The constraints of the implementation were: lack of socialization by institutions/agencies, distribution is done gradually, not available warehouse for the storage of rice, the data KPM are considered irrelevant to the current state, KPM assessed amount is less than the number of poor in Sub Jingah.
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