Career guidance policies and services are designed to assist individuals at any point in their lives to manage their careers, including making informed occupational and education and training choices. They can help to ensure that individuals’ decisions are based on self-assessments and labour market information, thus reducing market failures. For developing and transition economies, most of which have limited resources, career guidance services can increase the efficiency of the use of scarce education and training resources. The services also promote social equity and inclusion by helping to ensure equal access to information on labour market and education opportunities (Lmber, Booth, et al., 2015). The purpose of this article is to discuss job seeking skills for disadvantaged and graduates with special needs, family contribution and transition programs.
JEL: J60; J64; J70
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Alsaadat Khalil (2020). Job Placement for Students with Special Needs: Career and Vocational Guidance, European Journal of Special Education Research, v5, i3.
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