Maryam Ali Abdulla Mohammad Al Hashmi, S. M. Ferdous Azam, Ali Khatibi


On the employees’ perspective in the UAE aviation sector, this research has been conducted to evaluate the execution of human capital management. The subsequent growths in the global financial framework have driven the rise of competitions among organizations, and survival of success has turned into a vital goal of these organizations. This study intends to measure the degree of applying the HCM practices on employees in a standout amongst the most advanced and developed sectors in the UAE - the civil aviation sector. Following the literatures, three variables have been parted which were leadership practices, employee engagement and talent management. Researcher has checked the effect of these variables on human capital management in her area of expertise. Henceforth, this research explores the effect of leadership practices, talent management, and employee engagement on human capital management. Lastly, after carefully analyzing the results, it has been found that leadership practices and talent management are insignificant to HCM and only employee engagement has noteworthy effect on human capital management.


JEL: J24; L91; L93


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leadership practices, talent management, civil aviation, human capital management, employee engagement

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