Purpose: The purpose of this study is to study the factors that influence the attitude of Libyan investors on investing in Islamic bonds. Design / Methodology / Approach: A modified questionnaire was used in this study to answer research questions and test the evolving hypothesis. Questionnaires containing 39 items were distributed and collected from 409 respondents as representatives of investors in Libyan banks. The data collected was analyzed using PLS SEM. Results: The results obtained using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) indicate that knowledge of Islamic Sukuk, perceived control and the impact of Sharia compliance have an important positive relationship with the attitude towards investing in Islamic sukuk. In practical terms, the results indicate that there is no significant difference in investment in Sukuk between Libyan investors, based on the gender of the investors. Originality / value: the current study is the first of its kind to be conducted in Libya. as far as the authors know, there are no studies that focus specifically on socio-economic factors that affect investor intention to trade in sukuk. The result of the study may be useful in countries with similar banking cultures such as Libya. Socially, the result will be beneficial for Libyan investors by helping them explore the benefits of the Sukuk product as one of the less risky and most profitable Islamic financial products.
JEL: D25; E22; G11
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