The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between legislation and laws regulating the financial market and the culture of savers and their impact on investment in the emerging financial market in Libya. The distributed questionnaires include 309 clients from banks and insurance companies represented in Tripoli. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS. The obtained results showed that the savers' culture has an important positive relationship with the growth of investment in the stock market as well as labor market legislation. In practical terms, the study includes many political effects on Libyan banks and insurance companies in terms of developing strategies, financing and marketing of investment banking products. It can help Libyan banks and companies to integrate investment issues into strategic planning, which in turn can lead to the successful development of financial markets in Libya. This study may be equally beneficial in countries with a similar investment culture such as Libya. Socially speaking, the result will be beneficial to Libyan investors by helping them explore the advantage of savings and their role in increasing and developing investment as one of the less risky and very profitable investment tools.
JEL: D20; E21; E22
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