Hanaa Ali Zafer Algarni


In this era of technological disruption, people are much oriented to offer and experience new technological interventions in their daily activities. Information and communication technology (ICT) hold a pivotal designation in allowing the integration of technological interventions with daily life activities. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) proved as the helping hand for making this situation much more sophisticated so that global technological determinism that is at the threshold of revitalization can go through a realistic situation. Absher information system that is primarily adopted by the Saudi Arabia government for facilitating their e-government initiatives demonstrated in this study. TAM used as the theoretical background for justifying the holistic applicability of Absher services. Absher is a strategic move by the Saudi government for accommodating betterment in e-governance. Thus, different aspects of global e-government principles are appropriately demonstrated in this study so that a proper justification for Absher usefulness can be displayed. Also, in this study, several theoretical persuasions are augmented, followed by taking into account variables such as perceived usefulness (PU), perceived ease of use (PEOU), behavioral intentions (BI), attitude towards use (ATU), and user satisfaction (US). The survey was conducted by the researcher, taking into account a sample of 300 Absher users from KSA. Data analysis has been conducted by the researcher using a linear regression model in which the T-test, ANOVA test, and Cronbach's' alpha test. The study results revealed that most users provide positive and high attitudes towards the use of the Absher System. Also, there is a positive correlation between ease of use and the user's attitudes towards using Absher System. Furthermore, the study found that the majority of participants thinks that using Absher System is useful for them.


JEL: H10; H70


Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Absher System

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