Assalih Hicham, Ouakil Hicham


The focus of this paper is to identify so as to analyze the determinants of financial inclusion and to explore the barriers that limit access to financial services, especially ownership of bank accounts across African Countries. To do this, this study used the latest available dataset which was retrieved from the Global Findex and World bank databases. The extracted dataset included information about underdeveloped African economies. Specifically, the survey contained 10 socioeconomic and demographic indicators of a sample of 48 countries. The results of econometric analysis based on retrieved data clearly demonstrated that being financially included is strongly correlated with Gross Domestic Product per capita, the number of credits granted to private firms, access to the internet and education. These findings are in line with the previous empirical studies in particular (Lucas, R, 1988; Neaime, S & I Gaysset, 2017; Olaniyi Evans, Akoka, & Babatunde Adeoye., 2016) research works. Our attempt to provide a macroeconomic overview on factors of financial inclusion in African economies showed that the main challenges for underdeveloped economies are to increase the use of accounts to reach the excluded population.

JEL: G29, G21

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financial inclusion, financial services, African countries, banking, determinants

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