Dedy Nugroho, S. M. Ferdous Azam


A critical institution in a society is the hospital as a centre for medical services. There are physicians and nurses in the hospital. Nurses are also expected to enhance nursing performance as the largest health care team. The organisational structure here can only strengthen the perception of some dimensions of job satisfaction, such as the attainment of value. Ali and Zia-ur-Rehman (2014) found a strong link between work design and the performance of employees and job satisfaction that had a positive effect on the performance of employees. The topic of this study is formulated in the title on the basis of the review of the following problems: The influence of organisational structure, work design and competence on the performance satisfaction of nurses at Jakarta Seaport Hospital and Omni Hospital Pulomas. The method of this study is quantitative descriptive research, namely research on data gathered and expressed in the form of numbers. In this report, the target population was as many as 200 nurses at the Jakarta Seaport Hospital and as many as 200 nurses at the Omni Pulomas Jakarta Hospital. Result: Organizational structure (X1) on the satisfaction of the performance of nurses at Omni Hospital Pulomas has a higher impact value than Jakarta Seaport Hospital, while Jakarta Seaport Hospital has a higher impact value for Work Design (X2) on Nurse's Performance Satisfaction (Y) than the Omni Hospital Pulomas in Jakarta, and for the Jakarta Seaport Hospital Competency Variable (X3) (Y). In comparison, Omni Hospital has the effect of competence on the performance satisfaction of nurses (Y). Nurses need to further strengthen their performance and competence and pay more attention to patients' concerns.

JEL: L20; M10; I10

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organizational structure, work design, competency, job satisfaction

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