Stephen E. Iloke, Tochukwu M. Oguegbe, Leonard N. Ezeh


The present study investigated the moderating role of autonomy in the relationship among organizational citizenship behaviours, leader member exchange and workplace violence. Two hundred and twenty (220) non-teaching staff of Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka campus participated in the study. They comprised of 176 females and 44 males. Their age ranged from 22 to 53 years with their mean age of 33.1yearsand standard deviation of 5.7. Four instruments were adopted in the study, namely 12-item workplace violence scale developed by Wang (2002), 20-item organizational citizenship behavior scale developed by Spector, Fox, Goh, Brussema & Kessler (2012), 11-item leader member exchange scale developed by Graen and Taylor (2004). Correlational design was employed for the study. Pearson product moment correlation statistics and multiple regression were also employed as the statistical tool to test the 4 hypotheses generated. The results of the hypotheses tested showed that organizational citizenship behavior positively and significantly correlated with workplace violence (r=.88, P<.001), leader member exchange positively and significantly correlated with workplace (r=.82, P<.001), autonomy significantly moderated the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and leader member exchange on workplace violence β(.-67, t= -5.15, p<.01)). Autonomy moderated the relationship between organizational citizenship behavior and leader member exchange β(-2.34; t= -5.57, p<.01). It was recommended that workers should be encouraged to imbibe citizenship behaviours in their workplaces.

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workplace violence; organisational citizenship behaviour; leader member exchange; autonomy

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