Brands are always considered as one of the most valuable assets of an organization. Making strong brands and essentiality of strong presence in mind are the proprieties of most organizations. Because in general believes, the strong brands can increase the competitive advantage. The brand personality and brand equity are variables that can be effective on customers and also affect their shopping behavior; therefore, the purpose of this study is to survey the mediating role of brand equity in the relationship between the brand personality and obsessive shopping behavior of sport clothes consumers. The statistic society of this research is constituted the sport clothes buyers of Tehran that 246 persons were chosen as the sample using Cochran's unknown sample size formula. For data collection, Aaker brand equity questionnaires (1996), brand personality questionnaire of Jones et al (2009) and obsessive shopping behavior questionnaire of Edwards (1993) were used. The results of study showed that there is a meaningful relationship between the brand personality and its components with brand equity and obsessive shopping behavior of sport clothes costumers. Also, the results of model showed that brand personality both directly and through the brand equity is effective on costumers' obsessive shopping behavior. According to these results, it can be suggested that for affecting the costumers' obsessive shopping behavior, the brand personality and brand equity should be reinforced for customers.
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