The purpose of the current study was to review and evaluate the relationship between knowledge management and staff’s job engagement increment and deviant behaviors abatement in MAPNA MD2 Co. All Mapna MD2 Co. headquarter office employees (300 people) in Tehran had formed the intended statistical society. According to Krejcie and Morgan table, the sample of research was considered as 169 people which have been selected accidentally and were divided to 35 women and 134 men due to the number of staff in the office. This current research method was descriptive and correlational that have been performed as field research. A four pages’ s questionnaire with 54 questions that including three localized questionnaires according to the Newman-Konrad (2000) standard knowledge management questionnaire, Salanova-Schaufeli (2001) job engagement questionnaire and Bennett-Robinson (1964) deviant behaviors questionnaire, was utilized as data collection tool in this research. The results of statistical analysis show that there is a significant relationship between knowledge management and its dimensions with staff’s job engagement increment and deviant behaviors abatement in MAPNA MD2 Co. Furthermore, the result of research model fit show that the 65% of job engagement increment and 37% of deviant behavior decrement have been explained by knowledge management. Base on that, the Mapna MD2 Co. management is suggested to implement the knowledge management in company in order to increase the job engagement and degrease the deviant behaviors of employees.
JEL: D83, J62, J28, J53
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