James Hodari


The purpose of this study is to assess the role of accounting information on effective investment decisions at Banque Populaire du Rwanda Atlasmara. The target population was 50 staff members. The study used a primary method that involved questionnaires. Secondary methods of data collection involved a desk review of relevant materials. Data collection was then analyzed by using SPSS software. The study indicated a significant correlation between accounting information and investment decisions and all rely on information for an investment decision. It was seen from the analysis of responses, 83% argued always use accounting information for investment. It was revealed that the quality of accounting information in terms of its accuracy, adequacy, reliability, and mode of disclosure is a pertinent element of efficiency of investment decision making. The study recommends that commercial banks should use accounting always to increase the accuracy of their investment decision-making. The study recommends that Banque Populaire du Rwanda should consult the accounting information before making investment decisions and all interested parties to accounting information should use necessary financial ratios analysis for an investment decision. The study concludes that there is a significant correlation between accounting information and investment decision.

JEL: M10; M41; R42

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