Dominic Osei-Boakye, Isaac Boakye


The overall purpose of the study is to determine key factors that influence students in the quest to continue their relationship with their university or to quit. The study employed the use of the descriptive design. Data was collected from three private and public universities in Ghana. These were to ensure equal representation from both sectors. The study used standardized questionnaires as the main source of data collection instrument. In terms of the analysis of data, the study employed the use of the statistical package for social sciences version 21. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used. it is evident that fulfilment was significant in determining student continues relationship with university (β= 0.713, p=0.014). Furthermore, the table also reveals that there was a positive and significant relationship between maximum academic support individuals had and their continuous relationship with university (β= 0.511, p=0.000). Thus, maximum academic support individuals had was significant to their investment behavior after controlling for all other demographics. This was in line with the assertions of Tandoh (2011) when he indicated that factors such as fulfilment, reward for hardwork, fulfilment and the likes can affect hugely the continuous relationship with university by individuals.

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student decision making, relationship, university

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v6i3.1152


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