Today, customer loyalty is the key to business success. By increased customers’ loyalty, market share and profitability level of enterprises will rise. Market perception along with planning and adopting appropriate strategies for making customers loyal and enhancing their rate of loyalty leads to long-term benefits for the enterprises. Given the importance of the issue, the goal of this study was to identify and prioritize the factors affecting loyalty to a banking brand from perspective of Keshavarzi (Agricultural) Bank customers in Shahin Dej, Iran. This was an applied research based on a survey approach. The statistical population incorporated all Keshavarzi Bank customers of Shahin Dej in 2017, and given the limitation of the research population, only 382 people were selected as the sample. The results suggested that customer satisfaction, transfer cost, and organizational image affected the loyalty of Keshavarzi Bank customers. Furthermore, customer satisfaction impacted the organizational image, service quality impacted customer satisfaction, and service quality exerted an effect on the perceived value.
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