Investigation on the practice of social media in order to build a brand in the digital era is the purpose of this study. Identification of the impact of the usage and functionalities of social media on building a brand is the goal of this endeavour. The research explores the impact of different communication mode in brand management. The association of brand development and firm-created interaction and user-generated interaction has also been exploited. A qualitative study has been conducted for the research. Data are collected from semi-structured interviews with 8 shops owners of the online homemade food industry in Khulna city who have a strong command of social media. They practice social media for their business. They provide initial information of actions taken by firms and their enthusiasm behind engaging this industry. The outcome obtained from this effort displays the firm’s engagement of strengthening awareness and image of a brand by utilizing social media interaction initiated by firms and solidification of trust and loyalty of a brand by exploiting actions taken in social media by the users. Social media’s capacity to build the equity for a brand in a new yet convincing industry is explored in this exertion.
JEL: L60; L96; M10
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v7i2.1218
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