This study empirically scrutinises the relationship between social capital and entrepreneurial performance during the Omicron variant (SARs-CoV-2: B.1.1.529) spread in Malaysia. This study focused on spousal social support, social network, social media usage, and the digital entrepreneurs' performance. This research applied quantitative methods to yield empirical results and substantiations to answer the research questions. Data was collected using a questionnaire through Google Docs. A total of 313 digital entrepreneurs operating their ventures in West Malaysia contributed the data for this study which led to the discoveries, reasonings, and final judgments. The results attained in this study reveal statistically significant relationships among spousal social support, social network, and social media usage with the digital entrepreneurs' performance during the onslaught of the silent enemy (Omicron variant), which is spreading at an alarming rate. Additionally, this study's breakthrough will undeniably give the digital entrepreneurs assurance to form a formidable relationship with their spouses, create and increase the social networks between all stakeholders of the business, and use social media extensively to gain resources and customers during the Omicron shockwave. Moreover, by improving the relationship with their spouse, optimising the social network, and augmenting social media usage, the digital entrepreneurs can heighten their business performance and endure the challenges that they are subjected to during the assault of the Omicron wave in Malaysia.
JEL: L10; J10
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