This research scrutinizes the influence of dynamic capabilities in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage by women who own enterprises in Malaysia. The contribution of the businesswomen is highly significant to the economy of the nation. Malaysian businesswomen strive hard to stay competitive in the business environment. Therefore, they understand the significance of dynamic capabilities to attain competitive advantage. However, dynamic capabilities in solo will not lead to competitive advantage because the businesswomen operate their business in a volatile business environment. Another significant factor that impacts competitive advantage is entrepreneurial marketing strategies. Therefore, the intervening effect of entrepreneurial marketing strategy between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage was investigated in this research. A total of 1023 businesswomen imparted their views through questionnaires in this research. Additionally, in-depth literature was presented to reveal the association between dynamic capabilities, entrepreneurial marketing strategies, and competitive advantage of the businesswomen. The findings of this research implied a statistically significant relationship between dynamic capabilities and entrepreneurial marketing strategy as well as competitive advantage. Finally, all the hypotheses formulated for this study were supported by data, which illuminated that entrepreneurial marketing strategy statistically mediates the relationship between dynamic capabilities and competitive advantage of the women-owned enterprises in Malaysia. Moreover, this study verifies that the businesswomen in Malaysia who engage in dynamic capabilities will be able to apply entrepreneurial marketing strategies in their enterprises to achieve competitive advantage, ensuring the enterprise’s survival and success in an ever-changing business environment.
JEL: M10; M30; M31; L62
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Copyright (c) 2022 Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Nur Nadiah Mahbob, Sharvena Kumaran, Subaneewasri Narayanan

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