The decision to buy smartphones comes with the consideration of several factors, especially among millennials who have been known to be very painstaking when it comes to smartphone specs. With this, this study was conducted to provide a scenario of how millennials behave when it comes to buying smartphones and identify the relative importance of the features or attributes (battery, screen size, storage, storage space and main camera resolution) in determining millennials’ best and least-preferred models of a smartphone. A total of N=400 millennials responded to a market survey that employed twenty (20) software-generated plancards. Using metric conjoint analysis (a marketing research technique), this study found out that as far as millennials in Digos City are concerned, the screen size of a smartphone is the most important attribute, while the battery of a smartphone is the least important attribute. On aggregate, a smartphone with 6 inches screen size is most preferred, while a smartphone that has a non-removable battery is the least preferred attribute level. The additive model of conjoint analysis further revealed that the most preferable smartphone is one that has a removable battery, with 6” screen size, has a microSD slot storage, with 64 GB storage space and 12 megapixels as main camera resolution, while the least preferred combination is one that has a removable battery, 4” screen size, no microSD slot storage, 16 GB storage space and 16-megapixel main camera resolution. Implications of this market research are also discussed.
JEL: D01; D40; D83; L63
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