Kosovare Mustafa Sadiku


From the review of various literatures, we have come to the conclusion that the main internal factors that affect the performance and management of a corporation are: 1) Human Resources Factor; 2) Financial Factor; And 3) Technological Factor. These three variables are one of the most important internal factors of a corporation that have a significant impact on the activity and management of the corporation. Moreover, corporate managers have control over internal factors that can be managed and controlled at any time by them. The purpose of this research is to explain how internal factors affect the performance and management of corporations. The contribution of the article is shown in determining the essential characteristics and their impact on the management of the corporation from secondary data by reviewing the literature by different authors over the years and drawing conclusions and recommendations based on the sources obtained. The research shows that the financial factor is the key factor that affects the performance of a corporation, followed by the human and technological factors.


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corporate management, financial factor, human factor, technological factor

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v7i4.1385


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