Thilaga Sivaraman, Mohamad Najat Bin Mohamad Zahrin, Mohamad Yazid Bin Roni, Kumaran Kanapathipillai


The hospitality industry has been impacted by the Covid-19 Pandemic and is still ravaging several nations. Therefore, changing the normality of business operations and activities, especially in marketing trends, is crucial. This research evaluates the factors that impact future marketing trends, focusing on the employees in the hospitality industry within Klang Valley, Malaysia. In this research, the independent variables (impact of the post-Covid-19 Pandemic, transition process from traditional to digital marketing methods, consumers’ reactions towards digital marketing, and possibility of leveraging Industry 4.0) and their relationship to the dependent variable (future trends of marketing in the hospitality industry) were studied. Surveys via Google Forms were disseminated to employees in the hospitality industry within the Klang Valley. The data collected from 390 respondents from the hospitality industry contributed to this research by determining the correlated factors which shaped the future trends and practices in marketing. These factors were supported by the analysis modules and the underpinning theory developed by previous researchers. Based on the response, female respondents have responded more than male respondents, with the Malay ethnic group being the majority. Subsequently, most respondents have attained a bachelor’s degree and worked in the industry as junior executives for nearly 15 years. This study has proven that the transition process from traditional to digital marketing methods, consumers’ reaction, and the possibility of leveraging industry 4.0 has a significant relationship with future marketing trends. In conclusion, this research shows that technology transformation and consumer-centric methods can significantly change the landscape of marketing for the hospitality industry in the future.


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hospitality industry, future marketing trends, Industry 4.0, digital marketing, consumers’ reactions

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v8i1.1406


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