This study investigates the factors motivating the E-shopping satisfaction of consumers who purchase household appliances in Klang Valley, Malaysia. Four variables (security, website design, customer service, and customer experience) were identified and tested on their relationship to consumers' E-Shopping satisfaction with household appliances. To gather the data related to this study, questionnaires were distributed through the online Google platform to the consumers in Klang Valley. A total of 415 respondents contributed to the findings and conclusion of this study. These respondents are frequent internet users who are familiar with online purchasing. Therefore, it increased the research's credibility. Findings from this study indicated that three critical elements, website design, customer service, and customer experience, are significant and display a positive relationship to consumers' e-shopping satisfaction with household appliances. In contrast, this study illustrated that security is insignificant to consumers' e-shopping satisfaction with household appliances.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v8i2.1439
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Copyright (c) 2023 Latchumi Sathiaseelah, Gowri Suppiah, Lee Khai Khim, Sivarantny Inthiran, Kantha Inthiran, Kumaran Kanapathipillai

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