Victorina Odundo, Maria W. Mung’ara


Strategy implementation and its influence on organizational performance are becoming an issue of concern for all organizations and as a result, there is a need for effective strategy implementation dealings with organizational structures, resources, culture, leadership, communication and operations required to ensure that organizations perform efficiently and effectively to achieve its set long term goals. The objectives of this study were to examine the influence of strategic resources on organizational performance of sugar firms in western Kenya and to establish the influence of organizational environment on the relationship between strategic resources and organizational performance of sugar firms in western Kenya. The study was guided by resource-based theory, contingency theory, agency theory and trait theory. Positivism research philosophy guided the study. A descriptive research design was adopted. The target population was 125 respondents who are senior employees of sugar manufacturing firms in western Kenya. Simple random sampling was used to choose respondents. Primary data was obtained by the use of questionnaires. Expert analysis and factor analysis were used to assess Validity. Descriptive statistics included mean, standard deviation and variance. Inferential statistics consisted of correlation analysis and multiple linear regression analysis. Results show a Beta coefficient of 0.164, and a p-value of 0.005. The results of this study show that strategic resources have a positive and significant influence on organizational performance of sugar manufacturing firms in Kenya. The sugar manufacturing firms should have adequate machines and equipment, and the tools and equipment should be in line with technological advancements to ensure strategy implementation. The results of the study will be a source of information for investors as they make decisions of investing in the sugar industry. The results of this study may assist policymakers to identify loopholes that still exist in internal controls instituted by the government.


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strategic resources, organizational environment organizational performance

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