Razak Kojo Opoku, Isaac Boakye


Leadership has been observed to be a critical factor in influencing several organizational outcomes. The purpose of the study was to assess the influence leadership is likely to have on the marketing orientation attitude of an organization using Ghana Broadcasting Corporation (GBC) as the case study. One of the key backdrops to this study was the fact that Ghana Broadcasting Corporation has been criticized for long to have lacked a sharp marketing edge on the market, thus, the corporation lacks the ability to capitalize the governmental cushion it has as well as the numerous affiliates it can boast of. The study approached quantitatively using closed-ended questionnaires to collect data from the respondents. The researchers also espoused the correlational design to establish the relationship between the two study variables. Stratified and purposive sampling techniques were adopted in selecting the sample. A total of 150 respondents were targeted purposively and conveniently. Data was analyzed using correlation analysis. The study revealed that there was an insignificant relationship between leadership style and market orientation. Furthermore, the organization was low on marketing orientation culture.


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leadership styles; market orientation culture

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