Kumaran Kanapathipillai, Mohd Ikhwan Zaini Bin Mohd Ilias, Wong Choy Yan, Michelle Lim


This study analyses how communication, training and development, and organisational culture affect bank employees' post-merger and acquisition (M&A) performance. The study used convenience sampling to gather data from Malaysian investment banking sector employees. A total of 257 responses provided the data for this study. The sampling locations included investment banks in Malaysia that have undergone M&A, such as Aseambankers, Maybank Securities, RHB, OSK, Affin, Hwang DBS, ECM Libra, and Kenanga Investment Bank. This study's results show that all three predictor variables (Communication, Training and Development, and Organizational Culture) positively influence the Outcome variable (Employee Performance), albeit to varying degrees. Communication emerges as the most dominant factor, followed closely by Organizational Culture, while Training and Development's influence, although positive, is comparatively subdued. This underscores the crucial role these strategies play in determining employee performance outcomes in the mergers and acquisitions sphere of Malaysia. Therefore, this study can help the banking sector boost employee morale, job satisfaction, and productivity during transitions.


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communication, training and development, organisational culture, employee performance, mergers and acquisition, banking sector

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