The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) on consumer behaviour, particularly the importance of the moderating effect of brand affinity in the mobile phone market in Klang Valley, Malaysia. The consumer landscape is changing within the context of technological development and the COVID-19 pandemic, and, for this reason, understanding the peculiarities of consumer preference and purchasing patterns is critical. The elements of the marketing mix can have a significant effect on consumer decisions, including the product value and quality, the brand image, and such environmental concerns as the product and place of purchase. In these circumstances, the current study examines the relationship of the marketed product features, price elements and strategies, distribution channels, and promotional activities, with brand affinity as a moderating variable. It is demonstrated that all of the effects are related to consumer behaviour in a manner different from the major moderating variable. It contributes to the implementation of strategic marketing and suggests that the marketing mix needs to be harmonized with brand affinity to help consumers improve their engagement in the online environment and increase their loyalty and choices in the conditions of the current digital economy situation.
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