Employee outcomes have been described to be a nexus of several factors. The study sought to as ethical leadership and organizational involvement as possible antecedents of employee job involvement. The study also enquired about the job involvement level of managers and non-managers. Various banks in Ghana were selected for the study. The study comprised of 192 respondents who were mainly leaders and subordinates from selected banks who were selected using the purposive sampling and simple random sampling technique respectively. Data collected from the field was analyzed using regression and independent ample t-test. The findings of the study indicated that there was a positive relationship between ethical leadership and employee job involvement. Furthermore, the study revealed a positive relationship between organizational climate and employee job involvement. Ethical leadership proved to be a more significant antecedent to employee job involvement than organizational climate. Furthermore, the study also found that there was no significant difference in employee job involvement due to respondents’ position as manager or non-manager. It was recommended that leaders should take into consideration their behaviors within the organization as these go a long way to affect employee behavior. Further, firms can develop thinking walls where quotes about ethical leader behavior which impacts organizational climate will be announced. Limitations as well as area for further study have been discussed.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.176
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