The purpose of this study is to determine the antecedents of consumers’ perception towards online advertising in Malaysia. This research has been developed a framework by reviewing the existing literatures available in the same field. Altogether 526 respondents have been selected as a final sample size. This research uses survey method in this study because my purpose of the study is to generalize the findings from the sample to population. The current study used Statistical Software Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and AMOS Software Package to analyze the data. The results of this study provide evidence that increased consumer perception is associated with increased online advertising. There is a direct positive, significant relationship between consumer perception and online advertising of the respondents in the online advertising in Malaysia. It was also found that all sub dimensions of consumer perception positively and significantly affect to online advertising and its dimensions. Besides, the results indicated the significant positive relationships between consumer perception and consumer acceptance. On the other hand, a significant weak relationship was found between consumer acceptance and online advertising. However, the consumer satisfaction has not correlated significantly with online advertising of the respondents in the online advertising in Malaysia. Future studies can be extended to check the applicability and relevance of consumer perception within Malaysia using different samples from different sectors, occupations and so on.
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