In line with rapid growth of the transportation industry that facilitates the trade and business, companies send their products easily in the shortest time to most distant points of the world. Despite development in recent years, the business future of Arvand Free Zone in Khuzestan Province and markets related to it are at risk. The most important reason in this regard is consumer distrust in various stages of advertising. This investigation uses quantitative and qualitative method in order to experimentally show that negative concerns in the minds of the consumer will have a negligible and effective impact on market activity. Investigating the reasons for consumer distrust was started first by an interview. The findings of the interview revealed that negative beliefs and attitudes of the consumer had the highest impact on attitudes of people of a community towards a given market. Based on the qualitative studies, eight parameters in three dimensions are considered as final factors affecting the consumer distrust. Eight parameters affecting the consumer behavior were also evaluated in a quantitative study and the level of relationship among the factors was determined. Finally, it was concluded that consumer distrust affects the behaviors of the market, leading to market withdrawal. In addition, consumer trust created market formation or consumer activity.
JEL: D12, D18, P36, P46
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Copyright (c) 2018 Feridoun Omidi, Babak Darabinejad, Aref Loveymi, Hasan Cheraghi Kutiani

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