In twenty-first century telecommunication, services become a basic requirement for every individual and organization. This industry transforms human life significantly. Telecommunication industry provides ease in human communication. Hence, satisfying customers becomes the paramount concern for every telecom service provider across the world. Despite having an enormous number of researches in customer satisfaction, very few researchers have empirically examined important determinants for customers’ satisfaction emphasizing on telecommunication industry. Hence, this study tries to investigate crucial important factors for customers’ satisfaction focusing on Bangladeshi telecommunication industry. By giving one-month extensive effort, this study managed to obtain 1562 respondents from six different states in Bangladesh. Regression results revealed very interesting findings by falsifying importance of quality in the telecom industry. Results evident that price and brand image is the two top most important factors in the telecom industry to satisfy their customers. This study is one of the few that identify quality is not important for satisfying customers which can provide a new thoughtful idea for telecom managers.
JEL: L90, L96, O14
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.46827/ejmms.v0i0.237
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