The concept of "brand" has provoked a huge curiosity among researchers from around the world because it plays a very important role in all marketing activities. This study aims to provide an overview of the impact of brand names on Kosovo consumers’ behavior and on their decision for car purchasing. The study will also investigate the other factors that consumers consider important when buying cars such as price, quality and country of origin, and among others the study will also investigate what is their opinion on the role of the car brand in determining the social status of the person and its impact on a persons’ self-esteem. This research is of an empirical nature and is carried out by collecting primary data via a self-administered questionnaires distributed electronically to 100 randomly selected car possessors. The study has pointed out that brand is not the decisive factor when making a decision to purchase a car. The price, quality and country of origin of cars are considered the most important attributes in determining the purchase. The results of this paper can be used by marketing managers and car dealers who, based on the data obtained from this research, can create new price strategies or even implement other promotional forms that put more emphasis on price, quality and country of origin of cars in order to better access their customers.
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