Tourism has become one of the most essential segments of economy for these Asian countries. Rapid economic growth, political stability, and aggressive tourism campaigns by the governments have strongly enhanced the growth of tourism in this region. This study is primarily designed to review the relationship of service quality and customer satisfaction that leads to customer loyalty in UAE hotels. The study focused on the country UAE and in particular UAE’s hotel sector. Thus, this study has attempted to forward more understanding on the subject matter. This study has employed survey method for data collection where a larger population can be covered in a shorter time. For this research, primary data were used to identify the impact of customer satisfaction between service quality and customer loyalty. In this study, the sample consists of customers who are available within Dubai city. A total sample size of 300 was adequate for this study. The samples for this study were the customers who stay minimum one night is hotels in. In order to attract new customers, manager must first focus on their existing customers. It is because, to take care the existing customers will maintain their profit rather than to attract new customers that mostly will incur higher cost. Companies need to retain existing customers with effectively satisfy their needs so that the existing customers become loyal with their businesses
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Copyright (c) 2018 Hassan Abbas Dost Mohamad, Mohd Shukri Ab Yazid, Ali Khatibi, S. M. Ferdous Azam

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